Prologue to the website

This is my personal poetic cyberspace. Here I use “poetic” in two senses: (1) the primary purpose of focusing on my poetry, and (2) the etymology of the word, which derives from the Greek ποίησις póiēsis ‘fabrication, creation, production’, which in turn comes from the infinitive ποιεῖν poiêin ‘to make’. This second usage refers both to the writings as to the construction of the website itself, using basic elements of HTML, CSS,  and JavaScript.

In case it is of relevance to the user, please know that it is not necessary to activate a dark mode in your internet browser to read here. Furthermore, the development of the site is constant, so that it will continue to grow while there exists a poietic-noetic process of desire to produce. I write in Spanish and eventually translate into English and French. Regarding quotations from other authors, I either translate them or edit previous translations.

References and notes

  • «Greek Word Study Tool», Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University,
  • «Latin Word Study Tool», Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University,
  • My liking for experimenting with CSS and learning as I do so implies that I have tried different designs, according to tendencies that on some occasions have been more enduring and on others more ephemeral. I made the current stylesheet by starting from the most elementary, with a simplicity close to a minimalist style, and congruent with semantic HTML. It starts with Eric Meyer's Reset CSS, which I took from his site, meyerweb, in 2023. Previously, I elaborated personalized versions of awsm.css, created by Igor Adamenko, and of Simple.css, created by Kev Quirk. Both styles are simple, classless or classlight, and also made with the intention of working with semantic HTML. Additionally, I use Bootstrap icons.