Planetary Summits

Over time, the atmosphere of Puissantia became too dense, saturated with something. The cylindrifers, naturally, did not know what that certain je-ne-sais-quoi was, not like the neurifers, in any case. Not that they needed to know it in such mode. The cylindrifers, then, lengthened, elevated themselves, for they needed to reach new heights of their spirit to continue their respiritating.

Some millennia ago, a tribe of neurifers, the anthropoids, had installed atmogenic domes here, as part of the preparations prior to the great rain of the Megametéōron. This was an antemycelial event, furthermore: it was until after the transitional collapse of the Schumann Network that the fungoid tribe lost the possibility to communicate with the other neurifers, so that there was no sufficiently early access to information on fundamental matters of the domestic plan, and then they proceeded with their own pluvial implementation, sending their protocapsules to the surface.

Currently, speculations continue as to whether the aforementioned collapse, which turned out not to be a collapse but a not very prolonged failure (hence, in part, that archaeohistorians favour the term “transitional collapse”), was precisely because of the excesses of the domes. Anthropoid prehistory, to use a prehistoric word, shows enough examples of similar instances.

The cylindrifers, then, connect up there with the sprites, and their ultrahigh treetops merge with said. They proceed beyond photosynthesis, which coexists with ions that transform into hyperacid fruits. These later descend, some of them being consumed by the anthropoids (who, moreover, healthily metabolize the dense atmosphere). In the sprituous connection they are also confused from a distance, in the perception of the ophthalmnetics. Some of these, in a previous epoch, with their cilia vibrating sonorously during their navigation, began to make pilgrimages towards the ultrahigh treetops, where they initiated the practice of realizing plasmatic conjunctions. They experienced (and experience) intense visions, and this was the origin of the Ionic Mysteries.

The resulting symbiosis eventuated new metamorphoses. The cylindrifers developed respiratory capacities in the troposphere, where they grew horizontally in extremely dense radiated segments, and there they produced the great vines that shoot out to link the middle treetops and to transmit wise saps, in synapses that cross the chasms between summits, the spaces between lenticular arborescences. A famous anonymous pioneer, upon climbing to the first arboreal plateau to be visited by the inhabitants of the ground, called them the “elysian discs”.

Eventually, scientists-errants reported having perceived neurons in various areas of the vines, fascinatingly suggesting the prospect of a symbiotic becoming. Currently, many from the tribes visit the middle treetops, in search of the vine regions where grow the plexi from which emanates a voluptuous surplus. In the course of that activity emerged the nomadic groups that roam the elysian discs, bands whose members are neurifers of different origins, renewed at intervals by seekers of diverse balances (including that of standing diagonally on the trunk of a tree), of metaproduction, of metacognition, and of perceptual complexity.