Locus Errans

Plānities Planētēn

A threshold-dweller introduces himself asymptotically towards the interior of the ample exterior. He walks on a bioluminescent plain, considering the ultralimen of his perception of the retinal horizon. Over there occurs a cyclic purple terminus, orboid and orbital. Orbismic, he thinks of coining, for it to sound similar to orphismic. Although without extranatural assumptions in an immanent becoming. In any case, as he remembers an ancient one saying, “such knowledge would be as useless as it would be to know the chemical composition of the solar wind for the navigator in danger of shipwreck.” Furthermore, the catabatic as cathartic.

Catharsis the ancestral flowers did. Now their descendants perfume, and shoot petals with audacity, which then rain slowly. In intensional plurality, the plain sweetens turgescently everywhere, manifesting its regular irregularity, after genetic ingenuities. As another ancient one said: “let millions of flowers bloom.” He observes such process on a hillock inclination, towards a parvis, for it is a vista threshold, whether of the neighbouring valley, neighbouring continent, neighbouring stellar system. There, a cognitively galvanizing astral aroma is rich shimmering mist on the violaceous ground. His footsteps are semi-hidden and simultaneously raise wafts of consciousness during the pathfinding of his wandering.

Adversus Montem

The wanderer reaches a flux of light sprouting from a rock on the ground, projecting at ophthalmic level, until merging with some nearby hills. That liquid branch already was precursorily, in medias res when the associated humanoids installed the atmogenic dome visible in a distant mountain range. That semi-organic plant is an old but functional machine, graced with anti-obsolescence programming since that epoch, designed to synthesize, and not to fail; rather something exceeded itself. Then, in his topological coursing, the ludic explorer trots up slopes, elevating himself towards transhumant trees. In their company, maieutic invigorating fruits nourish planetary semi-nomads. They are visitors, as one of them says, “of a thermal bath never the same, always torrential.”

Torrents of rhodopsinic stone conduce to a crag where there is a deliberate sword, an artefact indeed obsolete now, except sportively. Besides, certain morphological changes contrast with neural focuses and their links, like productions of concepts, and of prostheses ofor reading the poetry of Khaos. In another semiology, a marble sculpture and a hologram, isometric and juxtaposed, both with an arm in gesture of reaching for the longsword. “The hilt is La Tène-style,” says a pilgrim in seiza, “symbol of unconscious memories of prehistories to be narrated.”

Kēpeuma Kharítōn

Narrators, esoteric, are heard further within the forest while the empiricant approaches a clearing. There, partially surrounded by a gigantic tree, whose rubicund canopy is lost in high twilight, some studiers move in possible sensory evolution. They drink sap and experiment with arboreal diapasons. “From sublimation to supraliminal?”, they comment in chorus. Cosmonautic epicuroids syndicate to construct lintels the wood of which is not cut, but grown, and for their eventual maintenance in neo-historical proto-acts. Nearby, Mnemosyne's eyes alternate between squinting and protuberating. Clio intones polyphonies while Lugos Tricephalus manifests roncón, ronqueta and ronquillo. The third face pauses momentarily to turn and indicate that “the first one produces the basso continuo, and is protean.”

Proteanly he proceeds among great mushrooms of warm light and luminous warmth, “which feels like 14 hertz,” says someone sitting on one of them. In his metamorphosis, the threshold-dweller's feet become lighter, agile, Hermetic, and his eyes too, hermeneutic. Thenthere he cognizes the local spacetime that will continue to be his beautiful peripatetic garden, perpetual immanent threshold, as much as able to euneurate, as much as able to eucardiate. That which he will continue orbiting fruitfully, until when the electromagnetic fields, until when his autopoietic subcellular fluxes, can no longer postpone that entropy do him part.

Locus focusque alienus noster.


  • Plānities ‘plains’; πλανήτην planḗtēn ‘errant’. The origin of planet is planēta, (-tes), the Latin adaptation of Greek πλανήτης planḗtēs ‘errant’. What we now know as “planets” was observed in antiquity as errant stars (stellae errantes).
  • ‘Towards the mountain’.
  • Kήπευμα Χαρίτων Kḗpeuma Kharítōn ‘Garden of the Kharites’, also known as the Graces (Gratiae), daughters of Zeus and companions of Aphrodite.

For consulations on Classical Latin and Ancient Greek, I refer to the dictionaries of the Perseus Digital Library, a website managed by Tufts University (Massachusetts, USA). For Latin, specifically, I also refer to the dictionaries available at Latinitum (the sources of which include Perseus Digital Library), a website created and managed by Daniel Pettersson and Amelia Rosengren. For my notes I translate the results of whatever the case may be, as the dictionaries are in English. I also abbreviate or add clarifications, as may be convenient.